In a devastating incident, Nollywood actor Pope Odonwodo, popularly known as Junior Pope, has lost his life. The news of his death, along with three other actors, was shared by filmmaker Samuel Olatunji. According to Olatunji, the actors were on their way to a location when their boat capsized in Anam River.
The filmmaker expressed his sorrow, stating, “What a sad day for Nollywood. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.” The identities of the other three actors have not been confirmed at this time.
Junior Pope, who leaves behind his wife and three children, had recently posted a video on his Instagram page. In the video, he was seen on a boat without a life jacket, pleading with the captain to go slowly. He emphasized the risks that actors take to entertain their audience and expressed his concern for his children’s welfare.
Junior Pope had appeared in several Nollywood movies, including “Secret Adventures,” “Eye of the Eagle,” “Bitter Generation,” “Wrong Initiation,” and “Honey Money,” among others. His contribution to the film industry will be remembered and cherished.
This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that can arise during film productions. It is crucial for all involved to prioritize safety measures to prevent such heartbreaking accidents from occurring in the future.