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The arrest of a Cameroonian crossdresser, Shakiro

The surprising heat of a popularly known Shakiro a Cameroon crossdresser that was arrested by the  Ndokotti police authority for the assumed violation of the law against Homosexuality, after spending one night in the  Prison of Douala, The First instance accuse from the court in Ndokotti in Cameroon. he was arrested alongside with two others. video of his exhibition of woman character attached:

According to Cameroon law against Homosexuality, is a crime punishable with a prison sentence of about 6 months to 5years, and also a pay fine of 20.000 FCFA to 200.000 FCFA. Some time ago on his Facebook page, he says he always feels like a woman, not a man, and also posted a video claiming that he was pregnant.

According to the video circulating online, police arrested three people and one of them put on a black dress, according to the video there was a justification to prove it was Shakiro and that was not the first time of his arrest on this issue of crossdressing and it was also gathered that he is not the only one with such a lifestyle, the other person is called Motaze.

The funniest thing was that people started wondering which side was he kept during his stay in the prison was it the female sections or the male sections…

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